Women #11 - Vicki Spurrier
Vicki Spurrier is a very good friend of mine, I will have Anke call her Auntie Vicki!
She bakes the best Christmas cookies EVER. And nowadays, she sends the best handmade Joplin chocolates from the Chocolate Factory for Christmas!
She is a wife, a mother, a home school teacher, a animal lover and a GREAT FRIEND. I remember meeting Vicki in the Summer of 2003. She was providing Believe with leather wristbands, that say REVEAL on them. She was this petite little thing with curly hair, and a very friendly smile. I just new her as Vicki then.
I saw her another time in 2004, at the dentist who was going to remove my one wisdom tooth... yes just one (I could not afford removing all 4). We greeted, and that was it.
2005 rolled by and Martin said he was going to teach a little guy from church, guitar. To my surprise, Vicki's son Michael was the student, and THIS WAS THE BEGINNING OF A GREAT FRIENDSHIP!
We went camping in Branson, MO with Marshall, Vicki, Makenna and Michael, and had so much fun! We ate till we dropped. Just look at our fun picnic table outside the RV. Goodness we had a great time. It rained that weekend, but that did not stop us from hanging with our 'family'!!! Our second vacation with them in TX was UNFORGETTABLE!!!
My most fond memories of the Spurriers are at their house, sitting around the kitchen table, playing games. WE LOVE THIS FAMILY.
Vicki and I spent hours, talking about life, family trees, being all sentimental... Vicki is one of the best gift givers I know. She will make a mental note of something you said, and when your birthday comes around, she gives the perfect wanted gift.
She bakes the best Christmas cookies EVER. And nowadays, she sends the best handmade Joplin chocolates from the Chocolate Factory for Christmas!
Vicki has a one year Bible, that has been read so many times, the ears curl. I L.O.V.E this Women.
She taught me to be sensitive.
To serve at home before you serve outside.
No one has to know it was you who did the good deed...
To be generous.
This picture was taken at my 27th birthday in our little Carthage house (with no doors).