Without sometimes realizing it, you brush shoulders with someone who will forever change your life. By Shoulder Brush, I mean, sometimes it literally means, seconds... or minutes, hours or during a period of years. I write this blog because Martin and I met with my Aunt and Uncle today, whom live in Australia and whom I haven't seen since May 2001. It was such a glorious meeting. We had great wine, great food and just a great conversation.
They would brush shoulders with me, now and again growing up and they installed so many core values into my life.
They are one of the best roll models of how a marriage should be (according to me), how I would want my house to be run, and how I would want to go on vacations (they took me with time and again)…
Then there are the silly things, floss before going to bed, always use gift wrap paper that is big enough and ‘new’ (even if it was used) to let the receiver know you really care! If you visit with friends be home before your husband, and make him feel like the KING of his castle!
Anyhow, just wanted to brag with my great family!