Q 1

Many of you might know that I officially started (with small steps) towards a Degree in Social Work. I currently have one subject (two modules) - DEVELOPMENT, and will be an official first year student come January! 

In my studies I was ask to name two 3rd world countries (Developing) and say why! I thought that might be a good Q to ask on my blog. So go ahead, name a couple in my comments and state some facts why you would say that! 

You can also name a couple of 1st world (Developed) countries, and state why if you'd like!  

HAVE A GREAT summer/winter day (depend on if you live North or South of the equator).


Ryan Claborn said…
Jani, hope all is well. Miss you guys.

3rd World
1. Cambodia - Poverty and sex Trafficking
2. Ethiopia - Poverty and hunger

1st World
The US, Britain, Canada, Japan, are all pretty easy targets. Generally per capita income, life expectancy, infant mortality rates (low), etc. are seen as signs of a developed nation (along with types of industries that exist - lots of service based stuff along with industrial production and agriculture, whereas you'd see mostly agriculture with some industrial production).

That's probably way more than you wanted, but there you go!
Jaans said…
Ryan, I think most of my other 'blog friends' might be too scared to leave a comment!!! Just as I remember, all or nothing, right!!!

Doing well, God is WORKING on this side of Africa!
Amy Hunt said…
3rd world
- Philippines because of the orphan population and the lack of human rights
- Haiti because of the total disregard of the people by their government who hoard the money coming in and keep Haiti from being a place with jobs, commerce, food, public works, sanitation, etc.

1st World (other than the obvious)
- Germany - my sister went with her hubby this summer and it's absolutely amazing the things they saw and learned while there. They have a structured government that creates a more orderly way of life for the people.
- France - same thing as above

Hope that helps!

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