Don't mind me...

As I sit in the study working on my eight assignment since I started on this new journey on development in an unequal world.  With the African winter sun on my back, I feel previledged! Previledged to matter enough to have a journey, to believe in a calling and to know where I am, is where I need to me right now!

Saturday was WOMEN’s day!

In a developing country this matters a lot! “Three-fifths of the 15 million children currently out of school are girls! Two-thirds of the 876 million of the world’s illetrates are women.” (UNDP 2003a:v).  See what I mean…

It is just a previledge that I, an African (ok, an Afrikaner African) am litterate! I can even spell color in Brittish or colour in American English! The more I study, the more I realise how easy it is to create our own little save world, with technoligy and a bank account! BUT it is not so easy when you have to live on less than an US $1 a day!!! Try as hard as you can to climb out of that extreme poverty trap. To most of us, this might just seem so far away… yip, far away it is but realise, our Christ would have been right there, in the whole, pushing as hard as He can to lift these people out/up from the trap. I want to scream really loud and shake some people to forget about their own kingdom, and get real… but we don’t speak our minds, we smile and walk by and hope someone else will see the need.  Enough of my heart…

Passion World Tour is here on Wednesday and our Young Adult Ministry is geared and ready to attend! We are excited and ready! 


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