Many of you might know that I volunteer at House of Thembiso, which means PROMISE in Xhosa… It basically is a safe house for babies between 0-12 months! In the last 18 months we have had 24 babies move through the house, either by national or international adoption, placement into foster care or reuniting them with their families.
House of Thembiso is one of 80 homes that is part of the uMephi project!
In September I became the project manager of this amazing home… this is so big and so wow to me! God is so big and it is an amazing project to be apart of.
House of Thembiso has eight cots, which means we have eight babies at a time in our home. There is a wonderful house mom, 24 hours a day that live in one part of the house and permanent staff that works in shifts. Then we have volunteers who come in and serve the staff and love the babies. To look after eight babies costs a lot and we are currently working on a fundraiser, called ‘SPONSOR a BABY DAY’.
For each baby to be at Thembiso, it costs R80 ($10) per day! Which isn't that much if you break it down… The plan is to launch this project at two of our community churches in October! Each cot will get a name, that will represent a baby and you can choose a ‘baby’ and one day, two days, three days… in a month to sponsor a ‘baby’.
There are still many other final details to work out, but I’m so excited about this house and the amazing adoption stories we have so far!
Feel free to give your opinion… Ask questions, anything that will help me with detailing this project so that come launch day - it can be smooth!