Anke @ 14 months
This picture was taken at a friends 2nd birthday party!
Our sweet baby is turning into a Toddler (cry!!!).
I taught Anke that a sad baby's heart is sore and that is why they cry. You would ask me why would you teach your 14 month old something so sad... Well, this little girl can whine! And because she doesn't have words, she will just stand at my feet and whine!
Anke is very vocal, especially with the word NO. She will say it at the top of her lungs, she has a pretty strong voice (it is actually very sweet). She will point to something she is not allowed to touch and say NEE! (no)
Martin taught her to sing... That is sweet, she just goes DAAA DA DA DAAAA on demand. SWEET GIRL
Poor thing has Roseola (baby measles). She had a fever the weekend, at our Church camp and now has a spotty body. She was 'fragile' the entire weekend. Poor Iwan, didn't really get to play with her much.
We saw a frog the other day, and now she loves them. Not that the green plastic play frog she has, looks anything like the cold, brown gutter frog... Kids are amazing, though.
Anke loves books. That is by far her favourite 'toy'.