
There is no greater feeling than when you know you are loved in the midst of chaos.

Our week started pretty ‘sucky’ when the Focus broke late Saturday. Monte & Amy let us borrow their little Red car, which broke Monday Morning (it was miner). Anyhow, if it wasn’t for a lot of caring & loving friends - Martin, Rudi & I would have been stranded.

How do you thank friends that lend you their car without expecting anything in return?
How do you thank a friend that will leave her office to come pick you up in the middle of nowhere?
How do you thank a friend that without a doubt drive to your house to let your dog out, to pee?
How do you thank a friend that will pick you up from work? And the list goes on.

I LOVE the family that God surrounds us with! It is a blessing to know that no matter what happens, there will always be someone who will help, that is what I call my family of believers who live Christ like.

We thank each one of you guys from the bottom of our hearts for making the first week of April, a glorious week.


Anonymous said…
hi jani!

so cool to catch you online! got the link of chris holohan's site.

say hi to the other bravenboer for me, will you?

Anonymous said…
It is easy to love the loveable! And that is you!

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