It is interesting how after dating & getting married you still get surprised by your partners hobbies. Well after we got back from South Africa in January, Martin introduced me to - THE LIFE OF AN AQUARIUM GEEK. Growing up, my hubby had allot of fish... and had this dream of having his own marine aquarium when he grows up... Well now that he is grown up, it was time. BUT with our travel schedule, and the HIGH maintenance marine fish require... It was a lose-lose situation. After some very intense discussion, we decided it would be wise to rather buy fresh tropical fish, than have nothing.
So in August, we took the leap and bought a 30 gal tank... Set up and getting the water levels (pH and that sort of thing) ready took about 6 weeks before we added fish! By week 4 we bought our first 2 invertebrates - a yellow apple snail & a ghost shrimp. They dampened our fish craze and staring at a tank with a piece of drift wood and Amazon plant. Now we were amazed by how fast our snail was growing and were the shrimp was hiding.
Four months later, and a lot of trauma, our tank is stabilized. We lost all 4 our Gouramis, and our snail to parasites!!! We now have another smaller tank for our plants, for stabilized growth and for the smaller newer plants. A total of 10 ghost Shrimps in this 12 gal tank! Martin's 30 gal Aquarium Ecosystem consist of a school of Silver tipped Tetra's, & White Clouds, 2 Angels & a German Blue Ramirez. 2 Different species catfish - 3 Panda Coreys & a Farlowella Catfish. Having an Aquarium is by far one of the most intense & fun hobbies you can think of. Martin is on the internet all the time finding more info, reading books on Aquarium plants etc. I was transformed into a Pet-shop junky, and love it.