The Knysna Lagoon is one of the few places along the coast and in the world that supports a oyster hatchery. And the Knysna oysters are reputedly among the tastiest in the world.
Knysna's history began in the year 1804, the year that saw the arrival of George Rex, rumored to be the illegitimate son of King George lll. He purchased the estate known as Melkhoutkraal on the shores of the lagoon and moved his entire family and considerable entourage down to Knysna to settle.
If you want a first hand look at Knysna, you have to read Dalene Matthee’s book – Kringe in die Bos (Circles in the Forest). It is an amazing story of a white family who lost their son, and a brown woman who found a son. It is a great story that is rich in culture and full of elephants (due to the natural forest)!!! This book was written in 80's.
Knysna to me, is one of the most relaxing places. The people are friendly and all very excentric. There are small giftshops and tea gardens... Bed and Breakfast places around every corner. I would go there right now if I could! You'll Love It Statia (and you will not want to return).