T.V. Lovers

Standard Publishing come out with a series of books (7) I WANT TO TALK TO MY TEEN. Each book was written by a expert in it's field!

I got a few eye brow raising quotes out of I WANT TO TALK TO MY TEEN
about Movies, Music & More ~

70% of all shows and 77% of prime-time shows include some sexual content. These shows average 5 sexual scenes per hour
(Kaiser Family Foundation 05).

7 out of 10 teens have a TV in their bedrooms

According to USA today & Polly Klaas Foundation
85% of teens use the internet
82% of teens check emails
52% of teens send instant messages
(I think in South Africa this is more like 90%)

I’ll stop with this –
“Out of the overflow of the heart the mouth will speak!” Matt 12:34


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