Project - Roman Blinds
Roman Blinds by a Perfectionist and optimistic Enthusiast...
Martin (the Perfectionist) help me (The Optimistic Enthusiast) yesterday to make the blinds I've been needing COURAGE for!
Our new rental has horrible windows, and you cant buy already made blinds. Her room is so light and bright that we are having a hard time napping in there. The Block Out material is so expensive, and due to the size of a Roman Blind, it just made sense to rather make some!
It was a fun project to do together.
So the project cost us just over R600. The blinds only about R250. We needed some tools for the project, that came out of the blinds budget. But next time the blinds will be cheaper :)
I used Anke's old green curtains, and saved even more.
I think she is happy with her new 'darker' room! and I think it looks BEAUTIFUL.