Jani's Devo Thought!!!

I came upon some very interesting facts in my bible study we are doing on the Patriarchs by Beth Moore. Martin & I are also reading through the Bible this year, so these facts just made the Old Testament even more interesting.

In Gen 12:1 God said to Abram, who at that time was working for his father, selling gods, leave your country, your people... & go to the land I will show you! Abram packet his belongings & moved... with only God's word, that He would make him a great nation.

Now my revelation ~ during their travels they were on their way to the Negev (included desert regions in Southern Canaan), it means 'dry' place.

We sometimes experience emotionally what Abram experienced logistically. Realizing that you had met with God & that He has spoken a word over you or perhaps has made a promise is a spiritual high. (My time @ Passion was like a new fresh meeting place with our God.) Nothing is like a fresh realization that the God who created the universe, knows that we are alive & that the voice that spoke the planets into orbit has spoken to us. However the spring time we experience sometimes followed to the desert... Jesus experienced this in Matt 4:1, after His baptism. It doesn't stop here though, God strengthens our FAITH during 'dry times'!

May God be Glorified through your life in whatever season you find yourself.

Enjoy the journey!!!


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